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London Health 2011
15 Nov 2011
Transitions - into the new world. One Day Management Conference & Exhibition. To be held at the Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, London, N

Headline Speakers

London Health 2011 is the largest one-day event bringing together the capital’s healthcare community to share learning, showcase best practice, stimulate innovation and embrace the unique challenges and exciting opportunities that London presents.

This event places a spotlight on the huge reform process taking place in healthcare and sets out how the capital is responding.

Claudia Hammond, Presenter, All in the Mind, BBC Radio 4, Health Check, BBC World Service and BBC World News TV
Welcome from conference Chair

Rt Hon Simon Burns MP, Minister of State for Health
The challenge for healthcare in the capital

Dr Anne Rainsberry, Deputy Chief Executive, NHS London; Director of People and Organisational Development and Cluster Chief Executive, North West London
Getting London ready for 2013

Health improvement in London: The challenges ahead
London Health Improvement Board; Local Health and Wellbeing boards. Jon Rouse, Chief Executive, London Borough of Croydon Pam Chesters, Mayoral Advisor for Health and Families

Refreshments, exhibition and networking
What's on now:
Panel debate: Responding to demographic change - inspiring people through challenging times
Dr Michelle Drage, Chief Executive, Londonwide LMCs; Joint Chair, Londonwide GP Commissioning Council; Jon Rouse, Chief Executive, London Borough of Croydon; Dr Ian Basnett, Director of Public Health, NHS East London & City

Harnessing the information revolution
Tim Kelsey Information and Public Services Lead, McKinsey & Company

London GP and Clinical Commissioning
Dr Howard Freeman GP, Joint Medical Director, NHS SW London; Joint Associate Medical Director, Primary & Community Care for NHS London; Chair, Londonwide GP Commissioning Council. Finding the right path as a pathfinder Dr Joanne Medhurst GP, Joint Managing Director and Director of Service Redesign, Bexley Care Trust.

Professor Derek Bell, Chair in Acute Medicine, Imperial College London
The interface between acute hospitals and GPs/community care

Professor Lord Layard, Director, Wellbeing Programme, Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics (LSE)
Happiness and wellbeing

Questions and discussion: Session 2
Lunch, exhibition and networking
Masterclass 1: Public health and wellbeing
Sponsored by: Continua Health Alliance Chair: Paul Plant, Deputy Regional Director for London, Department of Health Exploiting the teachable moment - harnessing hospitals to deliver public health: Dr Adrian Tookman, Divisional Director, Specialist Services, Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust; Local government’s new responsibilities for health and wellbeing: Judith Hendley, Head of Health and Adult Services, London Councils; Doing more with less: the power of crowd sourcing to promote health: Petra Wilson, Senior Director, Cisco, Secretary General, Continua Health Alliance Eurpoe; Generating a 2012 health legacy Hilary Ross, 2012 Programme Director, NHS London.

Masterclass 2: Care pathway innovation
Chair: Michael Wilson, Programme Director, London Health Programmes Redesigning mental health acute care to deliver 30% bed reductions: Dr Sylvia Tang, Medical Director, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust Patient pathway co-ordinator model and transformation at NUHT: Dr Mike Gill, Medical Director, Newham University Hospital NHS Trust Breaking the mould of commissioning: reducing TB rates in London: Dr William Lyn, Acting Chief Executive, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Ealing Hospital; Clinical Director for Tuberculosis, London Health Programmes

Masterclass 3: Integrated working
Sponsored by: NHS Shared Business Services Chair: Dr David Chilvers, Chief Executive, NHS Innovations London Working together with complex clients: Lord Victor Adebowale CBE, Chief Executive, Turning Point; Delivering highly co-ordinated and patient-centered care: Dr Mohammed Aumran Tahir, GP, Barlby Road Surgery, Kensington; Co-Director, North West London Integrated Care Pilot; Scott Hamilton, Operations Director, North West London Integrated Care Pilot. The effective migration of care into the home for improved patient outcomes: Dr David Chilvers, Chief Executive, NHS Innovations London Ltd; Towards service excellence - supporting care pathways implementation for clinical commissioners: John Neilson, Chief Executive, NHS Shared Business Services; Sally Gorham, Director, The Gorham Partnership.

Masterclass 4: Information revolution
Sponsored by: BT Chair: Dr Phil Koczan, Clinical Director of Informatics, NHS London Community virtual wards Community Virtual Wards: Dr Seth Rankin, GP and Clinical Lead, Wandsworth Community Virtual Wards; A new public online service for general practice in London: Jane Barnacle, Head of Quality and Director of Information Revolution Project, NHS London; Integration of information and dynamic performance reporting for community services: Mary Currie, Director, Innovation, Business Development & Performance; Julie Price, Head of Performance and Business Development; Keith Apperley, Technical Support Manager, North East London Foundation Trust (South West Essex Community Services); London 2012: are you ready?: Ian Cowles, Vice-President, UK Business Development, BT Health.

Masterclass 5: Long term conditions
Chair:John Murray, Director, The London Health Forum Looking at diabetes through the eyes of individual users: Raheel Mohammed, Director, Maslaha Long term mental health conditions – lessons for primary and specialist mental health care: Dr Gabriel Ivbijaro, Chair, Waltham Forest Federated GP Commissioning Consortia; Chair of Expert Panel, London Health Programmes: Long Term Mental Health Conditions Company: Dr Martin Baggaley, Medical Director, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust The demographic time-bomb of dementia; transforming commissioning to deliver quality of care: Dr Geraldine Strathdee, Associate Medical Director for Mental Health, NHS London Dr Paul Russell, GP Dementia Lead for Outer North East London, London Dementia Care and Prescribing Project

Refreshments, exhibition and networking
Richard Humphries, Senior Fellow in Social Care, The King's Fund
Towards intergrated care

The patient perspecitive
James Munro, Head of Research and Development, Patient Opinion.

Panel debate: Challenges in developing the new health and social care ecosystem
Professor Martin Marshall, Clinical Director and Director of Research & Development, The Health Foundation; Sir Stephen Bubb, Chief Executive, Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (ACEVO); Chair, Choice and Competition Panel, NHS Future Forum; Professor David Welbourn, Associate Director, The Centre for Better Managed Health and Social Care, Cass Business School, City University; Doug Patterson, Chief Executive, London Borough of Bromley.


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