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Reshaping the Nursing Workforce #nursingworkforce
22 Feb 2012
Preparing professionals for new working patterns

Headline Speakers

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In its response to the Future Forum Report, the Government reiterated its commitment to ‘greater accountability and responsibility for employers to plan and develop their workforce, held to account by the HEE.’ (June 2011)

Now in its sixth successful year, this national conference and Policy Review TV broadcast brought together nursing professionals and educationalists from across the UK with health managers to share innovations and examine current policies in relation to the Health and Social Care Bill, their risks and the opportunities they present. The range of experts will ensure viewers are equipped and inspired to face the challenges of service redesign for greater care at home, chronic disease management and end-of-life care.

Footage of this conference will:

  • Bring viewers up-to-date with the changes the NHS reforms will mean for the nursing workforce and education providers;
  • Help health and local government HR profile the nursing needs and responsibilities and work with the HEE to get the right skill mix across health professional education;
  • Look at how countries around the UK are tackling diverse demands to get the most from their existing and future nursing workforce;
  • Help viewers understand the commissioning roles of Health and Wellbeing Boards and the demands they will put on health services and for nursing;
  • Look at retention issues in education and nursing;
  • Consider continuing impact of immigration rules and EU internal migration on supply and skills;
  • Hear about the role of Health Education England;
  • Look at local, employer and regional demands and variations in nursing skills and workforce patterns.

Media partner:

Professor Ieuan Ellis, Dean, Faculty of Health & Social Sciences, Leeds Metropolitan University; Chair, Council of Deans of Health UK
Welcome from conference chair

Dr Peter Carter, Chief Executive/General Secretary, Royal College of Nursing
Current policy issues in relation to the Bill

Professor Judith Ellis MBE, Executive Dean, Faculty of Health & Social Care, London South Bank University
The caring workforce: educating the full spectrum

Dr David Foster, Deputy Chief Nursing Officer, Department of Health
Safe, effective, compassionate: preparing the nursing workforce for the future

Questions and discussion: Session 1
Refreshments, exhibition and networking
Dr Peter Carter interview
Professor James Buchan, School of Health Sciences, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh and Associate Fellow, The King’s Fund
Nursing workforce trends and projections

Peter Sharp, Chief Executive, Centre for Workforce Intelligence
The role of nurses in delivering integrated healthcare: workforce implications

Karen Charman, Business Development Director, The NHS Confederation
Re-profiling the nursing workforce to enhance patient care

What's on now:
Panel discussion: New roles - new challenges
John Wilderspin, National Director, Health and Wellbeing Boards, Department of Health Speakers above to be joined by: Christine Outram, Senior Responsible Officer, Health Education England

Buffet lunch, exhibition and networking
Stephen Griffiths, Director, Workforce Development, National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare, NHS Wales
Workforce planning and its impact on education and service

Professor Mary Lovegrove, Member of the Executive Council, Council of Deans of Health
Education and training proposals in England: opportunities and challenges for the HE sector

Liz Rix, Chief Nurse, University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust
Proud to care

Questions and discussion: Session 3
Refreshments, exhibition and networking
Awareness Raising Seminar A: Relationships between HEE and local education and training boards
Debbie Mellor, Deputy Director, Workforce Education, Department of Health

Awareness Raising Seminar B: Data enhancement to support nursing and midwifery Student recruitment and
Dr Colin Tilley, Workforce Project Lead,NHS Education for Scotland Mike Sabin, Programme Director, NHS Education for Scotland

Awareness Raising Seminar C: Acute and long term care at home
Rosemary Cook CBE, Director, The Queen’s Nursing Institute

Awareness Raising Seminar D: Transformation of the ward-based and non-ward-based nursing workforce: experience at Barts & The London NHS Trust
Professor Kay Riley, Chief Nurse, Barts and The London NHS Trust Dr Scott McLean, Divisional Nurse, Barts and The London NHS Trust

Close of conference
Policy Review TV

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