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End of Life Care Congress
18 Oct 2011
Joining up Services across Health and Social Care. 3rd National Conference. To be held at the Ambassadors Bloomsbury Hotel, London WC1.

Headline Speakers

The NHS End of life care strategy is central to the NHS reforms currently taking place.

This summer, the Palliative Care Funding Review is due to make its final report on a “fair and sustainable” system and will propose a funding system that is fair to all sectors, encourages the development of community-based services and supports the exercise of choice.

Claire Henry, National Programme Director, NHS National End of Life Care Programme
Welcome from Conference Chair

Professor Sir Mike Richards CBE, National Clinical Director for Cancer and End of Life Care, Department of Health
Progress on implementing the End of Life Care Strategy

What's on now:
Tom Hughes-Hallett, Chief Executive, Marie Curie Cancer Care and Chair for the Palliative Care Funding Review
How the findings of the Palliative Care Funding Review can improve end of life care for patients and families

Dame Jo Williams, Chair, Care Quality Commission
Driving up standards across all settings and the use of measurement tools

Questions and discussion: Session 1
Refreshments, exhibition and networking
Ann Macfarlane OBE User consultant and advisor
Empowering users – communication and measurement

Eve Richardson, Chief Executive, National Council for Palliative Care and the Dying Matters Coalition
Dying Matters – Community based care

Lorna Potter Former Joint Commissioner, End of Life Care, NHS Devon Community Development Support, National Council for Palliative Care
Dying Matters in Devon – Local authority and GP collaboration in practice

Panel session: Working towards an integrated service
Eve Richardson and Lorna Potter to be joined by: Heather Richardson, National Clinical Lead, Help the Hospices Steve Barnard, Head of Clinical Governance, North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Buffet lunch, exhibition and networking
John Powell and Dr Julia Riley Social Care Framework – Taking it forward
John Powell, Director of Adult Social Services and Housing, London Borough of Redbridge and London End of Life Care Lead, Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) Dr Julia Riley, Head of Department, Royal Marsden & Royal Brompton Palliative Care Service, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

Sue Wallace-Bonner, Operational Director, Older People's Services, Halton Borough Council
Integration in action – Establishing rapid response care packages for people who are at the end of their lives

Dr Dawn Chaplin Vice Chair, Bereavement Services Association
Gold Standard Bereavement Care - Bridging the gap between NHS and community based bereavement care

Questions and discussion Session 3
Seminar 1: Developing the workforce – creative approaches and overcoming challenges
Maggie Parsons, Cancer and End of Life Clinical Development Lead, NHS Great Yarmouth and Waveney, GP Communication project; Janet Dunphy, Clinical Nurse Specialist Palliative Care, Kirkwood Hospice.

Seminar 2: Coordination of care – Result of the Locality Register Pilots and single point of access service case study
Dr Julia Riley, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, The Royal Marsden Hospital; Elaine Fitzsimmons, Deputy Director of Development, NHS Plymouth.

Seminar 3: Making choice a reality in care homes – advance care planning
Pamela Holmes - Project Development Manager, End of Life, Social Care Institute for Excellence. John Moore, My Home Life Cymru, Programme Manager, Age Cymru

Refreshments and networking
Developing the workforce – creative approaches and overcoming challenges
Maggie Parsons, Cancer and End of Life Clinical Development Lead, NHS Great Yarmouth and Waveney, GP Communication project;

Developing the workforce – creative approaches and overcoming challenges Janet Dunphy
Clinical Nurse Specialist Palliative Care, Kirkwood Hospice.

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