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Association of Business Schools Learning, Teaching & Student Experience Conference #ABSLTSE
28 Apr 2015

Two day live broadcast 

Tuesday 28 - Wednesday 29 April  

This conference provides a forum for those involved in business education to exchange excellence and discuss issues in teaching practice and pedagogic research. At its core it asks what we are trying to instil in students, not just understanding and knowledge but skills and attitude to apply that knowledge.


Day 1 - 28 Apr 2015

Jerry Forrester, Dean, Hertfordshire Business School, University of Hertfordshire; Chair, ABS Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Committee
Chair’s introduction and welcome

Professor Ray Land, Professor of Higher Education, Durham University and Director of Durham's Centre for Learning Teaching and Research in Higher Education
Threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge: a transformative approach to learning

Workshop: A1 Employability
Chair: Paul Cashian
EPISA (Employer Partnerships and Innovative Student Assessments): investing in future talent Anni Hollings, Faculty Academic Learning and Teaching Manager and Sue Clews, Faculty Student Experience and Recruitment Manager, Staffordshire University;
Employer insights: instigating student-led career guidance
Dr Deborah Anderson, Associate Professor, Hilary Wason and Nathalie Charlton, Lecturers, Kingston Business School

Workshop: A2 Blended learning
Chair: Karen Robins Aiming for an A: a holistic approach to student achievement;
Roger Saunders, Senior Lecturer in Advertising, Worcester University Business School:
What works in online learning: the development of an online specialist MSc
Eileen Arney, Lecturer in Human resource Management and Angela Lilley, Media Fellow, Open University Business School

Workshp: A3 Internationalisation
Chair: Mark Richardson Engaging international students in content contribution to the teaching and learning process Simon Sweeney, Director of Postgraduate Programmes York Management School, University of York;
Bringing the world into your classroom: embedding collaborative online international learning in the teaching of marketing Thomas Peschken, Lecturer - GCU London, Glasgow Caledonian University

Workshop: A4 Assessment and feedback
Chair: Lorenzo Trapani Mapping the range of learning, teaching and assessment (LTA) practices in HE using The Social Discipline Window Emma Roberts, Associate Principal Lecturer, Leeds Trinity University;
Implementation journey for taking e-feedback from the sporadic to widespread diffusion in higher education: a case study Dean Maragh, Lecturer, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University

Workshop: A5 The changing student
Chair: David Hitchcock
The net based student: using a 3D game to enhance the teaching of business ethics Dr Suzy Jagger, Principal Lecturer, Roehampton University and Dr Diane Sloan, Faculty Director Learning and Teaching Enhancement, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University;
Deep reflection and first year students: how can reflection prepare students for a complex world? Martin Rich, Senior Lecturer in Information Management, Professor Clive Holtham, Professor of Information Management and Ann Brown, Visiting Senior Lecturer, Cass Business School, City University

Workshop: A6 Teaching entrepreneurship
Chair: Claire Blanchard
Bringing finance to life through enterprise Liz Gee, Senior Lecturer and Course Leader, London College of Fashion, University of the Arts

Workshop: A7 Teaching ethics
Chair: Julia Clarke
A school-wide approach to embedding ethics in the business curriculum using the principles of responsible management education Dr Christine O’Leary, Principal Lecturer and Christine Gilligan, Senior Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University;
Where are the women? Masters research into the presence of women across business school case studies: potential outcomes for the female student experience Lesley Symons, Leadership Coach/ Founder. The Case for Women, INSEAD Alumni - student

Workshop: B1 Developing the practice based curriculum
Chair: David Hitchcock
Ignore the corporates and write your own! Developing case studies based on local SMEs Carl Evans, Academic Lead, Business, Management, Leadership & Finance, University of St Mark & St John;
Big bite: practice across the curriculum in 24 months Tim Priestman, Projects Executive, University of Bedfordshire

Workshop: B2 Blended learning
Chair: Georgina Matthews
Flippin’ marvellous? Staff perspectives on the prospective introduction of the ‘flipped’ delivery within the business education context in HE Dr Jenny Lloyd, Associate Head of Department - Undergraduate Marketing, University of the West of England;
The brave new world of teaching and learning with iPads in higher education classrooms Sarah Bloomfield, Senior Lecturer, Bath Spa University

Workshop: B3 Employability
Chair: Paul Cashian
Evaluating RET-MICA: an entrepreneurial learning workshop tool for MBA and MA programmes Ed Gonsalves, Director, The Cooplexity Institute; Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship,Toulouse Business School, Barcelona and Pathway Leader, European Business School, London; Managing Director, Fabulyzer Sensors; (Ed was unable to attend but his presentation is included here)
To what extent does peer to peer support encourage second year students to actively seek placements? Vicki O'Brien, e-Learning Officer and Francesca Walker, Senior Lecturer (Employability Lead) and LaunchPad Lead, University of Central Lancashire

Workshop: B4 Assessment and feedback
Chair: Julia Clarke
Reviewing online assessment strategy: a case study approach Dr Sukanya Ayatakshi, Lecturer in Entrepreneurship, Bournemouth University;
Keeping students engaged in undergraduate accountancy: an investigation into the role of summative online assessments in student learning Ruslan Ramanau, Lecturer in E-learning and Jane Hughes, Lecturer in Accounting, Open University Business School

Workshop: B5 Student engagement - Part 1
Chair: Debra Leighton
Is there a connection between academic identity, un-learning organisational routines, and the success of automated student messaging? Fran Myers, Regional Manager, Mor Watson, Programme Coordinator, Dr Hilary Collins, Staff Tutor and Dr Hayley Glover, Regional Manager FBL, Open University;
Mentor me - mentor you Heather Pickard, Programme Director, London College of Fashion, University of the Arts

Workshop: B5 Student engagement - Part 2
Chair: Debra Leighton
Is there a connection between academic identity, un-learning organisational routines, and the success of automated student messaging? Fran Myers, Regional Manager, Mor Watson, Programme Coordinator, Dr Hilary Collins, Staff Tutor and Dr Hayley Glover, Regional Manager FBL, Open University;
Mentor me - mentor you Heather Pickard, Programme Director, London College of Fashion, University of the Arts

Workshop: B6 Retention and success
Chair: Janet Handley
Social support and MBA students’ transition to graduate school: predicting adaptation and satisfaction Crystal (Han-Huei) Tsay, Lecturer in Leadership and Organisational Behaviour, University of Greenwich;
Towards a better understanding of the increasing performance gap between Chinese and home students as they progress through their studies Andrew Wood, Professor in Finance, University of Essex

Dr Paul Gentle, Director of Programmes, Leadership Foundation for Higher Education
Aligning leadership with learning and teaching

Workshop: C1 Employability
Chair: Paul Cashian
Weaving employability into the curriculum; an evaluation of an employer-based case study Dr Simon O’Leary, Principal Lecturer and Faculty Head of Learning & Teaching, Regent’s University, London;
Employability is dead - long live EmployaGility! Karen Knibbs, Employability and Enterprise Coordinator, Portsmouth Business School

Wokshop: C2 Experiential learning
Chair: Jerry Forrester
The UG Consultancy Project; improving employability through experiential learning
Nigel Coates, Principal Lecturer/Programme Director and Kumud Wijayaratna, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University - Newcastle Business School:
Experiential learning as preparation for leadership: understanding the physiology
Lee Waller, Director, Centre for Research in Executive Development and Angela Muir, Client Director, Ashridge Business School

Workshop: C3 Internationalisation
Chair: Dr Diane Sloan
Designing a pedagogic vessel for the international students’ adaptation journey
Martin Foo, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University;
Internationalising the curriculum through collaborative projects: London-Hong Kong-Singapore
Dr Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas, Course Leader BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing and Dr Ana Roncha, Post Doctoral Research Fellow in Enterprise and Creative Collaborations, London College of Fashion, University of the Arts

Workshop: C4 Assessment and feedback
Chair: David Hitchcock
Developing a shared understanding of what makes a first class honours piece of work
David Egan, Senior Lecturer and Jenny Cockill, Principal Lecturer, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University;
Methods of summative assessment in UK business schools Professor David Boughey, Director of Student Engagement, University of Exeter

Workshop: C5 Student experience
Chair: Anni Hollings
Economics and business students: different, different but the same Dr Linda Juleff, Associate Dean, Southampton Solent University;
Designing an enterprise risk management curriculum for business studies: insights from a pilot study
Dr Madhu Acharyya, Lecturer in Risk Management, Glasgow Caledonian University

Workshop: C6 Blended learning (flipped classrooms)
Chair: Karen Robins
Ipadagogy for business education
Julia Clarke, Pro-Dean for Student Education, Dr Sarah Underwood, Associate Professor of Enterprise and Catherine Wilkinson, Leeds University Business School;
The flipping college: exploring the use and perceptions of flipped classroom techniques in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Dr Eleri Rosier, Lecturer in Marketing and Strategy/Admissions Officer, Cardiff Business School

Workshop: C7 Student engagement
Chair: Debra Leighton
Can learning analytics help us improve student engagement? A case study Melanie Currie, Head of UG Programmes, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University;
Collaborative learning: the staff and student experience Jackie Cawkwell, CPD Manager and Dean Maragh, Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University

Dr John Craig, Senior Director (Education and Research); National Teaching Fellow (2009), The Higher Education Academy
Enhancing teaching and learning meeting the challenges in a changing sector.

Chair’s concluding remarks – day 1
End of broadcast - day 1

Day 2 - 29 Apr 2015

What's on now:
Professor Margaret Price, Professor of Learning and Assessment and Director of ASKe Pedagogy Research Centre, Oxford Brookes University
Assessment literacy: making the link between satisfaction and learning

Workshop: D1 Employability
Chair: Paul Cashian A study on the impact of work placement and study abroad on the employability of business graduates Dr Bob Gammie, Associate Dean and Richard Barnes, Head of Global Engagement, Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University;
Framing and understanding the rhetoric of student placement messages Dr Sarah Montano, Deputy Director of BSc Business Management Programmes (Singapore), University of Birmingham and Sarah Horton-Walsh, Associate Head of Marketing Department (Teaching and Learning), University of Coventry

Workshop: D2 Retention and success
Chair: Janet Handley
Do prospective students understand the nature of independent study at university?
Fiona Tolmie, Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching, University of the West of England;
Under the bonnet: interventions for improving course level student retention Nikki McQuillan, Course Director and Ursula Quinn, Senior Lecturer & Faculty Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator, Ulster University

Workshop: D3 Student experience
Chair: Denise Skinner
Belonging and transition: a post-graduate experience
Ruth Matheson, Principal Lecturer PgC/Academic Development and Mark Sutcliffe, Head of Department Marketing and Strategy, Cardiff School of Management, Cardiff Metropolitan University

Workshop: D4 Assessment and feedback
Chair: Georgina Andrews
Energizing feedback: empowering students to recognize, own and use feedback Dr Cathy Minett-Smith, Associate Dean Student Experience, University of Bedfordshire;
Raising levels of student satisfaction with assessment and feedback: Learning from the staff experience of an ambitious change management programme
Dr Helen Benton, Director of Learning and Teaching/Director of Centre for Innovation in Business Education, Dr Sally Everett, Deputy Dean Quality and Student Experience and Dr Abi Hunt, Director of Undergraduate Courses (AH), Anglia Ruskin University

Workshop: D5 Student engagement
Chair: Julia Clarke
The benefits to student engagement of continuous progress monitoring and assessment through MyAccountingLab for graduate students wishing to progress to MBA courses
Steve Astbury, Lecturer, INTO University Exeter and Paul Kirkham, Marketing Manager, Pearson;
I will follow you - will you follow me? All the days and nights that we know will be.’ An exploration of Twitter to enhance student experiences in the informal learning environment
Sukhbinder Barn, Senior Lecturer in Marketing, University Teaching Fellow, Department of Marketing, Branding and Tourism, Middlesex University

Workshop: D6 Developing the practice based curriculum
Chair: Dr Julie Davies
Exploring the curriculum gap: an analysis of management accounting topics and skills
Anna Howard, Senior Lecturer Accounting and Finance and Professor Jon Warwick, School of Business, London South Bank University;
Never let a good crisis go to waste: why failure should be in the business school curriculum
Keith Pond, Associate Dean (Teaching), Loughborough University School of Business and Economics

Workshop: D7 NSS, KIS and beyond
Chair: Emmanual Haven
Step change: a stakeholder approach to the National Student Survey
Debra Leighton, Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning), Salford Business School;
NSS: Fit for purpose?
Bob Stead, Senior Lecturer, University of Hertfordshire

Workshop: E1 Employability
Chair: Paul Cashian
Enhancing student experience for online students: evaluating “discussion forums” for further innovation
The 2020 curriculum: guidelines for the development of a business management curriculum with a future orientation
Dr Colin Simpson, Learning and Teaching Coordinator, University of Gloucestershire Business School and Elaine Haines, Senior Enterprise Partner, The Growth Hub, University of Gloucestershire How do we teach entrepreneurship? Kiefer Lee, Principal Lecturer, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University;

Workshop: E2 Student engagement
Chair: Debra Leighton
Introducing learning strategies to increase student engagement on a BA Event Management final year course
Dr Ewa Krolikowska, Senior Lecturer, and Emma Abson, Programme Leader, BA Event Management, Marketing, Events and Tourism Department, University of Greenwich;
Management and methods: enhancing online interactivity and engagement
Nola Stair, Principal Lecturer, University of Greenwich Faculty of Business

Workshop: E3 Experiential learning
Chair: Emmanual Haven
Experiential learning: insight into students’ perceptions of inquiry based learning and forms of assessment
Lesley Glass, Head of Visiting Lecturer Development/Principal Lecturer Tourism, Hertfordshire Business School;
Reflections on practice-led, student-centred learning for a final year UG module: a critical view on the social construct of in-module structure
Dr Jennifer Wilkinson, Senior Lecturer, Bristol Business School, University of West of England

Workshop: E4 The changing student
Chair: David Hitchcock
Do undergraduate students’ expectations of the pedagogic relationship change during their first year? Findings from a study of business and finance students at a new university
Pam Croney, Student Recruitment and Admissions Tutor; Senior Lecturer, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University;
Postgraduate students of the future: how Southampton Solent Business School is managing the change
Susan Patrick and Christine Fountain, Principal Lecturers, Southampton Solent University

Workshop: E5 Developing the practice based curriculum
Chair: Julia Clarke
Who keeps the watch? Student and employer outcomes from consultancy projects
Alex Hiller, Head of Postgraduate Programmes and Dr Julie Rosborough, Principal Lecturer in Marketing, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University;
Graduate employability: towards an understanding of the needs of graduate employers in marketing
Dr Jenny Lloyd, Associate Head of Department Undergraduate Marketing, University of the West of England

Workshop: E6 Teaching entrepreneurship
Chair: Claire Blanchard
The role of space in collaborative entrepreneurship education
Dr Graham Baker, Associate Head of Department - Organisation Studies and Dr Akin Ojolo, Senior Lecturer, University of the West of England;
Expanding the entrepreneurial learning perspective: entrepreneurial reading
Dr Paul Manning, Professor, The University of Chester

Workshop: F1 Employability
Chair: Paul Cashian
The journey to employment: embedding employability through technology
Erica Cargill, Senior Lecturer, Robert Gordon University BoD;
Mapping the pieces of a employed graduate: an experiential approach to supporting student employability in travel and tourism courses
Dr Adrian Guachalla, Senior Lecturer in Aviation & Tourism, Buckinghamshire New University

Workshop: F2 Teaching ethics
Chair: Julia Clarke
From a student to a stakeholder perspective: education for sustainable development
Kyoko Fukukawa, Senior Lecturer in Marketing, University of Bradford Faculty of Management and Law;
Debating ethics
Dr Jill Millar, Senior Lecturer, Oxford Brookes University

Workshop: F3 Assessment and feedback
Chair: Anne Kiem
Old gives way to new: innovative assessment on the practice based curriculum
Egle Dagilyte and Accalia Atkinson-Payne, Senior Lecturers in Law, Buckinghamshire New University

Workshop: F4 Experiential learning
Chair: Debra Leighton
An academic literacies approach to supporting students in multilingual business management classrooms
Rosie Hedger, Senior Research Assistant and Dr Rachel Wicaksono, Head of the Department of Languages and Linguistics, York St John University;
Mastering postgraduate study for the 21st Century: tripartite perspectives and benefits
Danny Moss, Professor of Corporate Public Affairs and Lisa Rowe, Senior Lecturer, University of Chester

Workshop: F5 Student experience
Chair: Emmanual Haven
Reverse mentoring in higher education: bridging the generation gap
Dr Milena Bobeva, MBA Director, Faculty of Management, Deborah Taylor, Placement Coordinator and Dr Louise Preget, Senior Lecturer, Bournemouth University
A smarter way to module evaluation? Experiences from a pilot project introducing electronic module evaluation via mobile devices at the Winchester Business School
Sabine Bohnacker-Bruce, Learning and Teaching Fellow, University of Winchester

Workshop: F6 Blended learning
Chair: Karen Robins
Integrating business simulation technologies to progress and enhance the teaching and learning experience
Dr Emilee Simmons, Teaching Fellow in Enterprise and Peter Harrington, Managing Director, Venture Simulations Ltd;
Marketing simulations: experiential learning in a simulated serious game for higher order cognitive development
Mairead Brady, Assistant Professor in Marketing, Trinity College Dublin and Jessica Kneller, Marketing Manager, Business and Economics, Higher Education Services, Pearson UK

Jerry Forrester, Dean, Hertfordshire Business School, University of Hertfordshire; Chair, ABS Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Committee
Feedback and Chair's summation

Workshop chair's summation
Chair's closing remarks
End of broadcast
Policy Review TV

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