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UKDPC New generation, new problems, new drugs: time for a different approach? #UKDPCconf
19 Nov 2012

Headline Speakers

Much has been done over recent years to tackle drug problems that harm individuals and corrode family life and communities across the UK. Yet, while some progress has been made, significant problems remain and new challenges are emerging.

‘Legal highs’ are increasingly available, with the internet providing new opportunities for drug dealers. New health and policing structures are changing delivery systems in much of the UK, and the recession is both threatening to worsen the social exclusion that underlies many drug problems and simultaneously reduce the ability of local areas to deal with these problems.

This event, the final conference of the UK Drug Policy Commission, brings together drug policy specialists and those with expertise in other fields, to discuss how drug policy can best respond to these changing circumstances.

Welcome address
Dame Ruth Runciman, (UKDPC);
Steven Roberts (Barclays).

Former drug users speak for themselves
Mark Easton (BBC Home Affairs Editor) in conversation with a small group of former drug users about their own experiences of drug use and recovery.

What next for drug policy?
Mark Easton in conversation with:
Baroness Meacher (Chair, All Party Group on Drug Policy Reform) followed by Q & As.

Right first time? Early intervention to support responsible behaviour | Dame Clare Tickell, Chief Exec, Action for Children | Panel: Lord Adebowale, Chief Executive, Turning Point|
Shaun Bailey, Government Adviser on youth and crime| Cllr Rowenna Davis, Journalist| Mitch Winehouse, Amy Winehouse Foundation

What’s evidence got to do with it? How effective drug policy should be made
Tracey Brown, Managing Director, Sense about Science & UKDPC Commissioner | Panel: Claire Fox, Director, Institute of Ideas |
Dr Evan Harris, Liberal Democrat Federal Executive | Professor David Nutt, Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs

The Daily Mail made me do it: Taking account of media and public opinion in controversial policies
Daniel Finkelstein, Executive Editor, The Times |
Panel: Ben Page, Chief Executive, Ipsos MORI| Vivienne Parry, Writer and broadcaster & UKDPC Commissioner | Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive, RSA | Roger Graef, Broadcaster

Drugs aren’t the problem: The place of drug policy in wider social policy
Professor Colin Blakemore, Professor of Neuroscience and Philosophy & UKDPC Commissioner |
Panel: David Burrowes MP, Advisor to Oliver Letwin | Louise Casey, Director General, Troubled Families Team, DCLG| Mike Trace, CEO of RAPt.

From backstreets to boardrooms: Promoting inclusion across society
John Varley, UKDPC Honorary President | Panel: Dr Charlie Alcock, Chief Executive, MAC-UK |
Rt Hon. Stephen Timms MP, Shadow Minister for Employment | Dee Smith, Programmes Director, Springboard UK

A tale of two cities: The same drug policy, different outcomes
David Brindle, Public Policy Editor, The Guardian | Panel: Paul Cosford, Regional Director, Public Health England
Dr Julian Huppert MP, Cambridge MP, Home Affairs Select Committee, APPG Drug Policy Reform | Sir Denis O’Connor, Outgoing Chief Inspector of Constabulary

What's on now:
Closing Session Rt Hon David Blunkett MP followed by Q&A | with closing remarks from|
Dawn Austwick, Chief Executive of the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation.

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