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Diverse Britain
10 Dec 2007
Promoting Race Equality

Chaired by Mathew Amroliwala this event heard from Chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission Trevor Phillips OBE and Minister for Equality Harriet Harman QC MP.

Matthew Amroliwala
Introduction and welcome

Ted Cantle CBE
Setting the scene: the future for multiculturalism in the UK

Trevor Phillips OBE
Keynote address

Trevor Phillips OBE
Question and answer session

Harriet Harman QC MP
Keynote address

Harriet Harman
Question and answer session

Panel discussion
The equality challenge facing an ever more diverse Britain

Sir Robin Wales
Setting the scene: is local government where good race relations begin?

Peter Housden
Keynote address

Panel session
building cohesive communities

Ben Page
Seminar - immigration: understanding the issues, challenging attitudes and promoting equality

David Williams
Setting the scene: the challenges ahead

Panel session
a shared sense of belonging

Dr Nicola Brewer
Setting the Scene: towards institutional racial equality

Sayeeda Warsi
Keynote address

Sunder Katwala
Breaking the cycle of under achievement and poverty

Panel session
Professional and educational equality

John Cridland CBE
Setting the scene: corporate responsibility and progress

Gary Hoffman
Diversity and the benefits for business

Bill Jeffrey
Keynote address

Panel session

Delegate reaction

David Williams

Trevor Phillips

Ted Cantle

Cressida Dick

John Cridland

Nasreen Suleaman

Gary Hoffman

Baroness Sayeeda Warsi

Policy Review TV

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