LG Group Annual Conference 2011: Localism Works
28 Jun 2011
The LG Groups’ Annual Conference - ‘Localism Works’ took place in Birmingham on 28-30 June 2011.
Headline Speakers
Rt Hon David Cameron MP
Prime Minister
Rt Hon Andrew Lansley CBE MP
Secretary of State for Health
Ed Miliband MP
Leader of the Labour Party
Eric Pickles
Secretary of State DCLG
The Government's flagship Localism Bill set out new leadership roles and a vision of a state in which communities, charities and businesses have increased powers in shaping the way their places develop and how their services are delivered. The Big Society will remain a phrase crucial to all discussions about the future of public services. And alongside these wide-ranging reforms, councils will be dealing with an exceptionally tough financial settlement which is already affecting the way they serve their communities. The results of tough budgeting decisions will be apparent by the summer.
This conference asks how the role of local government should be defined in the brave new world – as the body for local leadership, a commissioning hub, an information centre for stimulating local activity, or all of the above and more.

Visit the dedicated conference website
Main conference sponsor 2e2 and EGA
Media sponsor: The MJ