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SKILLS ACTIVE - staying ahead of the game
01 May 2007
Energising the Industry 1 May 2007. Wembley Stadium.

Sport, fitness, playwork, the outdoor and caravan sectors have not only contributed well over £8 billion a year to the UK economy, but are key to the social fabric of the nation. With this level of growth, the development opportunities available for your business and key stakeholders are endless. In this light, the convention examined the vital importance of upskilling the workforce for continued success and the ability to increase participation in activities from sport through to children’s play. Building on the last successful convention, this national event examined the productivity and performance benefits to businesses and organisations of investing in skills and staff development. Government initiatives, such as the Leitch Review, have shaped our Sector Skills Agreement and the convention showcased various industry best practice models to highlight the impact of industry developments for business professionals and key stakeholders. Bringing together leaders and senior managers from business, local authorities, the voluntary sector and training providers, this convention mapped out the next steps forward to ensure employers have the right people, with the right skills, in the right place, at the right time.

Richard Caborn MP
Minister for Sport, Department for Culture Media and Sport - keynote address

Richard Caborn MP
Minister for Sport - question and answer session

Steve Bennett
Elite FA Premier League and international referee addresses the convention

Jennie Price
Chief Executive Officer, Sport England speech

Stephen Studd
Chief Executive, SkillsActive speech

Sir Digby Jones
Government Skills Envoy and Senior Adviser to Deloitte - video address to convention

Stephen Studd
Post convention interview

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