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Policy Review Intelligence Launch Reception and Debate #debatepartyconfs
05 Sep 2012
Are the Party conferences a waste of time and money and should they be abolished?

Policy Review TV  broadcast this live debate on Wednesday 5 September 2012. 

Our two provocateurs for the evening were The Guardian’s Polly Toynbee andConservative Home’s Tim Montgomerie.

Held in association with PubAffairs this evening reception, debate and broadcast launched Policy Review Intelligence - the new way to reach beyond the Westminster bubble.

Policy Review Intelligence is a networking hub, dynamic website, TV portal and facilitator of face to face networking for senior people engaged in public policy across the UK and Europe.

Policy Review Intelligence offers policy making and networking for the digital age; that enables you to engage members, stakeholders, staff and clients in authentic online and interactive discussion – taking social media and the internet to the next level.

Watch this lively debate and learn more about the exciting things that Policy Review Intelligence are able to offer.


What's on now:
Debate: Are the Party Conferences a waste of time and money and should they be abolished?
Debate streamed live from Central London with Polly Tonybee, The Guardian, and Tom Montgomerie, Conservative Home.

Diane Abbott MP

Policy Review TV

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