Higher education strongly influences the choices made by 14-19 year-olds and their parents. The involvement and support of higher education institutions will be critical to the success of both Diplomas and wider 14-19 reforms. The introduction of Diplomas and reforms to 14-19 qualifications will have a direct impact on higher education institutions. All universities must publish course-specific entry requirements for revised A-levels and Diplomas by February 2009. The reforms will require changes to curriculum and assessment methods and may create a much wider pool of talent from school and colleges, meaning new patterns of demand for different and new higher education courses, despite the overall fall in the 18 year old population. Attendees at this conference heard how higher education institutions are acting now to implement the reforms at both a strategic and practical level, working to develop new curriculum content, progression agreements and entry requirements and getting involved with local consortia to deliver Diplomas.