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End of Life Care
19 Oct 2010
2nd National Conference: Joining up services across health and social care. Held at King's Fund Conference Centre London

This conference considered some of the current issues in palliative and end of life care at a local and national level but concentrated on the issues and challenges that come from living longer with symptoms and how this affects patients and their carers.

Professor Peter Littlejohns, Clinical and Public Health Director, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
Welcome and introduction from Conference Chair

Professor Sir Mike Richards CBE, National Clinical Director for Cancer and End of Life Care, Department of Health
Keynote address: progress on implementing the End of Life Care Strategy

Jonathan Ellis, Director of Public Policy and Parliamentary Affairs, Help the Hospices
Delivering services amidst a new political landscape: the hospice perspective

Eve Richardson, Chief Executive, National Council for Palliative Care and the Dying Matters Coalition
Working together to raise public awareness to improve palliative and end of life care for all

Questions and discussion: Session 1
Refreshments, networking and exhibition
Claire Henry, Programme Director, National End of Life Care Programme, National Health Service
How do we address the practicalities in the implementation of the end of life care strategy

Deborah Murphy, Directorate Manager Palliative Care, Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust, Associate Director, Marie Curie Palliative Care Institute Liverpool and National Lead Nurse LCP
LCP, Care of the Dying and QIPP Agenda

What's on now:
Professor Keri Thomas, National Clinical Lead, Gold Standards Framework Centre, Walsall Primary Care Trust and Hon. Professor End of Life Care, University of Birmingham
Meeting the challenges of end of life care in care homes using the gold standards framework

Les Storey, National Lead, Preferred Priorities for Care (PPC), NHS End of Life Care Programme
Preferred Priorities for Care: findings from the Cheshire, Essex and Lancashire pilots

Questions and discussion: Session 2
Buffet lunch, networking and exhibition
Rt Hon Andrew Lansley CBE MP, Secretary of State for Health
Keynote address: commissioning in cold climate

Mike Gordon, Chief Executive, Healthcare at Home
Transforming end of life care through home based care

Niall Dickson, Chief Executive, General Medical Council
Treatment and care: a framework of good practice

Questions and discussion: Session 3
Refreshments, networking and exhibition
Seminar A: Good practice models: practical ideas for working practices for EoLC providers
Dame Barbara Monroe, Chief Executive, St Christopher’s Hospice Professor Margaret Holloway, Social Care Lead, National End of Life Care Programme and Professor of Social Work, University of Hull

Seminar B: Improving personalised care
Dawn Harbour, Care Home Manager, The Gables Specialist Nursing Home Carol Courtney, Admiral Lead Nurse, North East Lincolnshire Care Trust Plus

Seminar C: Empowering care at home
Andrew Donald, Chief Operating Officer, Birmingham East and North Primary Care Trust

Seminar D: Chicken and egg: what comes first to improve EoLC across the patient pathway?
Dr Jayne Chidgey-Clark, Director, Modernisation Initiative End of Life Care Programme, Guy’s and St Thomas’s Hospital Susanna Shouls, Programme Manager, Modernisation Initiative End of Life Care Programme, Guy’s and St Thomas’s Hospital

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