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Pioneering the Mother and Baby Pathway
27 Nov 2009
The Royal College of Midwives Annual Conference. Held in central Manchester

This event brought together those working in midwifery and with mothers and babies to learn about, debate and discuss the key challenges and opportunities midwives face as a profession.

RCM Workplace Representatives' Conference

Student Midwives conference


Day 1 - 26 Nov 2009

Jenni Murray OBE, Broadcaster, Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour
Welcome from Conference Chair:

Dr Peter Lachman, Consultant for Service Redesign and Transformation, Great Ormond Street Hospital and the Royal Free Hospital
Driving service transformation

Professor Tim Draycott, Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Department of Women’s Health, Southmead Hospital, Bristol
Patient safety: improving outcomes through training

Niall Dickson, Chief Executive, The King’s Fund
Safer Births programme: a new support network towards service improvement

Questions and discussion: Session 1
Rt Hon Andrew Lansley CBE MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Health
Keynote address: promoting maternal choice

Rt Hon Andrew Lansley CBE MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Health
Question and answer

Refreshments and exhibition
Organisational Leadership Masterclass
Chaired by: Guay Ong, Team Manager, South Central England, The Royal College of Midwives Employee ownership within the NHS Jo Ellins, Research Fellow, Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham Working differently across health and social care Martin Bradley, Chief Nursing Officer for Northern Ireland

Practice and Innovation
Chaired by: Maria Brown, Member of the Royal College of Midwives Council Managing the needs of diverse populations Comfort Momoh MBE, FGM Consultant / Public Health Specialist and Founder, African Well Woman's Clinic, Guy's and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust Stockport Midwives 4Young Parents Fiona Blackwell and Jackie Hughes, Specialist Midwives for Young Parents, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust Audit of teenage pregnancy outcomes Anna Sherliker, Midwifery Lecturer, University of Salford Exploring the maternity experiences of 1st and 2nd generation women of Pakistani origin Fiona Cross-Sudworth, Research Midwife, Perinatal Institute

Management and Working Practices
Chaired by: Carole garrick, Member of the Royal College of Midwives Council The productive ward Jenny Leggott CBE, Deputy Chief Executive and Director for Nursing and Midwifery, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust "No Place Like Home": making homebirth a reality Julie Richards, Head of Midwifery and Sexual Health, Powys Local Health Board Leading other midwives: a critical ethnographic inquiry exploring the experience of midwife team leaders Lesley Kay, Lecturer in Midwifery, Anglia Ruskin University A reflective journey: developing and leading team midwifery Kim Housham, Project Coordinator, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Maternity Unit, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Chaired by: Gail Johnson, Education and Professional Development Advisor, The Royal College of Midwives Challenges for education in times of change Profesor Diane Fraser, Profesor of Midwifery and Head of Division School of Nursing, Midwifery and Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Nottingham Development of a multiprofessional critical care course: Scottish Maternity REACTS Helene Marshall, Director, Scottish Multiprofessional Maternity Development Programme, NHS Education for Scotland The student guidance team Linda Mearns, Student Midwife, Robert Gordon University Providing multiprofessional maternity education Helene Marshall, Director, Scottish Multiprofessional Maternity Development Programme, NHS Education for Scotland

Research and Development
Chaired by: Dr Kenda Crozier, Research Fellow, The Royal College of Midwives EURO-Peristat Report: Implications for policy and practice midwifery studies Dr Simone Buitendijk, Professor Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam and Professor University Medical Center, Leiden and Head of the Child Health Program Leiden The birthplace in England research programme Mary Stewart, Research Midwife, National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit UK epilepsy and pregnancy register Beth Irwin, Epilepsy Nurse / Midwife, UK Epilepsy and Pregnancy Register Belfast Trust - Royal Hospitals Keeping childbirth natural and dynamic: developing a pathway for normal maternity care for Scotland Lucy Powls, Practice Development Midwife, NHS Quality Improvement Scotland

Buffet Lunch and exhibition
Lunchtime Seminar NHS Choices Pregnancy Planner: an interactive service to help women plan their pregnancy
Nicola Gill, Events and Training Manager, NHS Choices Seminar Sponsored by: NHS Choices

Jenni Murray OBE, Broadcaster, Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour
Welcome back from Conference Chair:

Denise Linay, RCN Lead on Equality and Diversity
Promoting equality of opportunity and tackling discrimination in service provision

Monica Thompson, Programme Director, Midwifery & Women's Health, NHS Education for Scotland
MCA roles and new ways of working: how we have maintained the right training and standards in Scotland

Carol Paeglis, LSA Midwife, NHS Yorkshire and the Humber
Fitness to practise: what are the rules, scope, fears of practise?

Questions and discussion: Session 3
Refreshments and exhibition
Motions for debate: have your say
Chaired by: Debbie Gould, Chair, The Royal College of Midwives Council

Practice and Innovation
Chaired by: Tracey Cooper, Member of The Royal College of Midwives Council Centering Pregnancy Anna Gaudion, Project Lead, Centering Pregnancy and Katie Yiannouzis, Head of Midwifery, King’s College Hospital The experiences of obese women in the maternity services Dr Christine Furber, Midwifery Lecturer (Teaching) / Research Associate, The University of Manchester 2gether – Weight Management in Pregnancy Project Kelly Pierce, Midwifery Manager, Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust Designing an intervention to address unmet health needs of obese pregnant women: the views of local service providers and users: Qualitative study Nina Khazaezadeh, Consultant Midwife, Public Health and Eugene Oteng-Ntim, Consultant Obstetrician, Guy’s & St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

Management and Working Practices
Chaired by: Helen Rogers, Board Secretary, The Royal College of Midwives UK Board for Wales Social Enterprise Annie Francis, Independent Midwife, Independent Midwives UK The development of a training needs analysis project to assess core competencies of midwives Dr Belinda Green, Consultant Midwife, Elisabeth Garret Anderson Maternity Unit, UCLH NHS Foundation Trust Earlybird group bookings Kim Tyler, Midwife and Katherine Tadman Community Midwife, Medway NHS Foundation Trust Brief interventions for smoking cessation: Midwives Toolkit Jayne Rowney, Health Improvement Practitioner Specialist, NHS Kirklees

Chaired by: Gail Johnson, Education and Professional Development Advisor, The Royal College of Midwives Pre-registration reforms Professor Paul Lewis, Associate Dean – Midwifery, Rehabilitation & Health Sciences, The School of Health & Social Care, Bournemouth University, RCM Fellow and RCM Council Member Student midwives’ anxieties related to problem based learning (PBL) José Hacking, Lecturer / Programme Leader MSc Midwifery, Directorate of Midwifery, School of Nursing & Midwifery, University of Salford Case Conference Academy Janine Wyn Davies, Senior Lecturer, University of Glamorgan Learning from tragedy Julie Maddocks, Regional Manager for the Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries (CMACE) North West, West Midlands and Wales

Research and Development
Chaired by: Dr Kenda Crozier, Research Fellow, The Royal College of Midwives Learning from the PEARLS study Debra Bick, Professor of Evidence Based Midwifery, King’s College London The development of labour ward coordinator master classes Carol Paeglis LSA Midwife, NHS Yorkshire and the Humber and Julie Green, LSA Midwife, NHS Yorkshire and the Humber The Midwifery Practice Audit: a dynamic tool for promoting normal birth, changing practice and reducing caesarean section rates Sarah Gregson, Consultant Midwife, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust A Healthy Eating and Lifestyle (HELP) group: the findings of a preliminary study to reduce obesity Karen Jewell, Consultant Midwife, Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust

Day 2 - 27 Nov 2009

Fringe breakfast seminars
Debby Gould, Chair, The Royal College of Midwives Council

Noreen Kent, UK Programme Director, Midwifery 2020
Midwifery 2020 - The future of the profession

Trevor Phillips OBE, Chair, Equality and Human Rights Commission
Keynote address: The Equalities Bill - making equality a reality for expectant mothers and their families

Trevor Phillips OBE, Chair, Equality and Human Rights Commission
Question and answer

What's on now:
Gary Belfield, Acting Director General of Commissioning and System Management, Department of Health
Keynote address: Minding the gap in service provision and user experience

Gary Belfield Questions and answer
Improving quality of services: In conversation with...
Dame Christine Beasley DBE, Chief Nursing Officer for England Sue Eardley, Senior Policy Lead for Safeguarding Children, Care Quality Commission Gary Belfield, Acting Director General of Commissioning and System Management, Department of Health

Refreshments and exhibition
Sarah Brown, Patron, The White Ribbon Alliance for Safer Motherhood
Keynote address: Delivering progress on the MDGs - International perspectives

Political Leadership Masterclass
Chaired by: Jacque Gerrard, Director, The Royal College of Midwives UK Board for England Working with ministers Dr Mags McGuire, Acting Chief Nursing Officer, Scottish Government

Normal Birth
Chaired by: Jane Munro, Quality and Audit Development Advisor, The Royal College of Midwives Achieving Normal birth: delivering the strategy in Scotland Ann Holmes, Consultant Midwife and Programme Lead of KCND (Keeping Childbirth Natural and Dynamic), NHS Scotland Increasing the Momentum: harnessing the Multidisciplinary Team Helen Shallow, Consultant Midwife & Head of Midwifery, Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust Our Experience of Introducing a VBAC Service Debbie Garrod, Consultant Midwife in Public Health, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust Introducing waterbirth in a consultant led unit Lyndsay Durkin, Clinical Lead for Normality, Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust

Management and Working Practices
Chaired by: Pat Gould, Team Manager for London, The Royal College of Midwives Payment by Results (HRG4 tariff): are we are coming up to the mark? Dr Suzanne Tyler, Independent Healthcare Consultant and Lucy Hubber, Head of Children’s Strategic Planning, NHS Milton Keynes Examining the feasibility of Digipen use by supervisors of midwives in the Yorkshire and the Humber LSA Carol Paeglis LSA Midwife, NHS Yorkshire and the Humber and Julie Green, LSA Midwife, NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Maternity Matters: identifying the needs of women in Camden to meet national policies Andrea Nove Research Associate, Options UK 87 percent svd rate, 94 percent vaginal delivery rate and 65 percent breastfeeding rate! Bryony Read and Claire Adams, Young Parent Midwives, South London Healthcare NHS Trust

Chaired by: Belinda Ackermann, Member of the Royal College of Midwives Council Reducing infant mortality Jane Walker, Consultant Midwife, Homerton University Hospital NHS Trust A new way of working to find out why babies die Tina Woods and Sara Barr-Frost Lead Nurse Coordinators for Sudden Unexpected Death in Childhood NHS Central Lancashire Implementation and continuous audit of a Prolonged Pregnancy Clinic to promote normal birth Julie Hogg, Maternity Outpatient Services Clinical Lead University College London NHS Foundation Trust Perinatal mortality; challenges and opportunities for improving care: review perinatal deaths at a local level Therese Chapman, Consultant Midwife, Public Health Newham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Research and Development
Chaired by: Amanda Hutcherson, Member of The Royal College of Midwives Council Post-natal care culture and women’s experiences of birth recovery Julie Wray, Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Health & Social Care Research, University of Salford and The Iolanthe Midwifery Fellow Midwifery: What is it? Mandie Scamell, Phd Candidate Midwife, Centre for Health Services Studies, University of Kent "I just wanted to love him and to hold him forever really": three populations groups experience of skin-to-skin contact at birth Valerie Finigan MBE, Infant Feeding Coordinator, Pennine Acute NHS Hospitals Trust ‘Informed and uninformed decision making': a meta-synthesis of women's reasoning, experiences and perceptions with regard to advanced maternal age and delayed childbearing Alison Cooke, Research Midwife, Central Manchester NHS Foundation Trust and The University of Manchester

Buffet lunch and exhibition
Chaired by: Claire Cutlan, Member of The Royal College of Midwives Council New models from the US - obstetric care bundles: augmentation in labour Jane Urben, Deputy Head of Midwifery, Brighton and Sussex University Hospital Exploring and understanding practitioner decision-making when managing women on STAN Dr Julie Jomeen, Senior Lecturer in Midwifery, University of Hull The best beginnings m idwives Vlora Hingley, Specialist Midwife/Team Leader, South London Healthcare NHS Trust NHS Newborn & Infant Physical Examination Programme (NIPE): how roll out of a national programme is informed by both midwives and parents Jane Sancho, NIPE Development Manager, NHS Newborn & Infant Physical Examination Programme (NIPE) and Oonagh Keiths, Mother of a Child with Hip Dysplasia and Member of STEPS

Document coming soon
Change Leadership Masterclass
Chaired by: Gill Walton, Member of The Royal College of Midwives Council Leading, energising and mobilising change Carol Price-Dowd, Research Associate, NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement Managing change Professor Cathy Warwick CBE, General Secretary, Royal College of Midwives

Normal Birth
Chaired by: Kim Russell, Member of The Royal College of Midwives Council Achieving normal birth: How we increased the home birth rate in Torbay Heather Parker, Head of Midwifery, South Devon Healthcare NHS Trust Tweak to transform: simple solutions to normalising birth Caroline Broome, Midwife, East Lancashire Hospital NHS Trust Re-Audit of evidence based guidelines for midwifery led care in labour (RCM 2005) and an audit of NICE CG 55 Intrapartum Care (2007) regarding Women’s Choice and Control during Childbirth Eleanor Clewes, Audit Midwife, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust The Community Skills Day: enhancing confidence, collaboration and communication Alison Brown, Consultant Midwife, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Management and Working Practices
Management and Working Practices Chaired by: Lynne Pacanowski, Member of The Royal College of Midwives Council Getting the best from your workforce: productivity and outputs Karen Taylor OBE, Director for Health Value for Money, National Audit Office Lean and maternity services at Airedale Susan Speak, Head of Lean Improvement, Airedale General Hospital The caring dimension: stories about choice, dignity and respect in maternity care Claire Wood, Service Manager, Maternity, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Research and Development
Chaired by: Gillian Smith, Director, Royal College of Midwives UK Board for Scotland Caring for vulnerable infants Prof Mary Renfrew, Director - Mother and Infant Research Unit, University of York Horror and disgust: breastfeeding as a survivor of sexual abuse Kathryn Gutteridge, Consultant Midwife, Sandwell & West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust Delivering breastfeeding messages to school children Sue Henry, Infant Feeding Coordinator, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust Enhanced breastfeeding support project to improve breastfeeding continuation rates Sarah McKie, Breastfeeding Specialist Midwife, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust

Refreshments and exhibition
Frances Day-Stirk, Director of Learning Research and Practice Development, The Royal College of Midwives and Vice-President of the International Confederation of Midwives
Closing Plenary Chair

Mary Newburn, Head of Policy, National Childbirth Trust
What women want!

Rosalind Bragg, Director, Maternity Action
Campaigning on behalf of pregnant women and new mums from disadvantaged groups

Rt Hon Andy Burnham MP, Secretary of State for Health
Keynote address

Rt Hon Andy Burnham MP, Secretary of State for Health
Question and answer

Professor Cathy Warwick CBE, General Secretary, The Royal College of Midwives
Closing address and prize draw

Close of Conference

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