Toni Fazaeli is the chief executive of the Institute for Learning (IfL), the independent professional body for teachers and trainers across further education and skills in England, including adult and community learning, emergency and public services, FE colleges, the armed services, sixth-form colleges, the voluntary sector and work-based learning. With over 72,000 members, IfL supports excellence in professional teachers’ and trainers’ practice for learners, with a major focus on continuing professional development, and promotes teachers’ dual professionalism as teachers and as experts in their subject or vocational area.
Toni started her career as a teacher and is passionate about teaching and learning. Before joining IfL in June 2008, she was a senior civil servant with policy responsibilities for further education, and led the Success for All theme of teaching and learning, as well as further education workforce, personalisation and quality assurance. Before that, she was the national director in quality and standards at the Learning and Skills Council, covering 47 local learning and skills councils and leading on the Success for All policy around funding, planning and performance. She had previously worked for seven years as a full-time inspector for the Further Education Funding Council, specialising in skills for life and humanities, as well as governance and management. Before that, she was an officer for adult education in Leicestershire Local Education Authority.
Having qualified as a teacher more than 30 years ago, Toni has taught in adult and further education, schools and prisons. She has observed hundreds of teaching and training sessions across the broad further education sector, and throughout her career has focused on teaching, training, learning, educational policy and research.
Toni has visited education organisations in England and internationally, as well as organisations outside the sector for benchmarking practice and learning from difference. She mentors and coaches individuals, with a focus on people from black and minority ethnic backgrounds, and has visited older people in residential homes as a volunteer tutor.
She has wide experience of successfully managing large, multi-million pound national budgets and programmes, as well as more local smaller projects, underpinned by sound programme management. She works collaboratively with partners, and has experience and good knowledge and understanding of front-line teaching and learning, leadership and management in colleges and other providers, and national policy. Her passions are teaching and learning and excellent quality provision for all learners in the further education and skills sector.