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Speaker Biography

Craig Dearden-Phillips

Charity Founder, Stepping Out.

Craig Dearden-Phillips MBE is the Founding CEO of Stepping Out, a new venture helping public services to become a social enterprise. A serial social entrepreneur, Craig is the Founding Chair of the UK disability social enterprise Speaking Up (now VoiceAbility) and is co-founder of five smaller civil society organisations. Craig is the author of a best-selling business book for social entrepreneurs and is a regularly columnist for The Guardian and Third Sector magazine. Craig has a Masters in Business (MBA) and is a Fellow of the Centre for Welfare Reform and a Visiting Fellow of Ashcroft International Business School. He is also a School Governor, a Trustee of social venture-capital investors Impetus Trust, a Committee member of Communitybuilders and a founding-trustee of the new Southgate Partnership Development Trust in his community. An elected Councillor, Craig serves as the Liberal Democrat Spokesman for Communities on Suffolk County Council.


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