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Speaker Biography

Sir Martin Doughty

Sir Martin  Doughty
Sir Martin is Chair of Natural England

Following a career as a lecturer in Environmental Management at Sheffield Hallam University, Martin, from Derbyshire, developed his expertise and interest in nature conservation alongside landscape and access work as Chair, The Peak District National Park Authority. He has held a wide range of key roles in the public and voluntary sectors, including Leader of Derbyshire County Council from 1992 until 2001. Martin has also been a Board Member for the Countryside Agency (1999 – 2005) and was the Chair of English Nature before being appointed as Chair for Natural England. He was knighted in 2001 for services to local government in Derbyshire and he received Honorary Doctorates from Sheffield Hallam University in 2002, Cranfield University in 2005 and Derby University in 2006


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