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NHS Direct National Stakeholder Conference
21 Feb 2008
Help shape the future of NHS Direct event held at Kings Fund, Cavendish Square, London
NHS Direct is the first national organisation to apply for Foundation Trust status. So far, the only Foundation Trusts are hospitals and mental health services. Becoming a Foundation Trust would allow NHS Direct to work more closely with its users. The organisation is actively looking for people to play a vital role in developing its services and to help shape the future of NHS Direct. NHS Direct would like the views of its stakeholders on how it will operate as a Foundation Trust. The public consultation on NHS Direct’s application to become an NHS Foundation Trust closes on Monday, 31st March 2008.
John Carvel
Welcome and introduction

David Colin-Thomè

Matt Tee

Ronnette Lucraft

Breakout session
Delivering a truly national and resilient service

Breakout session
Managing risk and ensuring clinical safety

Breakout session
Working in partnership to deliver better services

Breakout session
Providing a multi-channel service

Matt Tee

Audience reaction

Policy Review TV

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