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Youth Justice Convention 2012
22 Nov 2012
Thursday 22nd - Friday 23rd November 2012, Broadcast live from Birmingham

The Annual Youth Justice Convention is the leading annual event for all those working in youth offending teams, police, local authorities, secure establishments, courts, probation and other key organisations.

It is a must-attend event for all managers, professionals, practitioners and policy makers in the youth justice system preparing for the localisation of custody budgets and the election of Police and Crime Commissioners.

Leading speakers address the current policy and management issues across the spectrum of youth justice policy and practice.  The wide range of seminars at this convention will provide an opportunity to critically assess effective practice in the challenges facing youth justice today.

Catch up on the 2011 event here.


Day 1 - 22 Nov 2012

Mike Dobson, Product Director, Capita One A word from our sponsor
Bob Reitemeier, Board Member, YJB; Chief Executive, Essex Community Foundation
Introduction from convention chair

Jeremy Wright MP Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Prisons and Youth Justice
Ministerial Address

Stephen Greenhalgh, Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime
Keynote address:

Panel discussion: The changing landscape of youth justice
Introduction and facilitation: Mark Easton, home editor, BBC News;
Stephen Greenhalgh, Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime;
Andrew Christie, tri-borough executive director of children’s services, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, the City of Westminster and the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham;
John Bache JP, chair, Youth Courts Committee, Magistrates’ Association.

Interview with Emma Poyser and Brian Downey of Careworks
Seminar 3: Widening the use of restorative justice
The ‘Breaking the Cycle’ Green Paper placed great emphasis on working with victims and using restorative justice across the criminal justice system. As this approach to youth justice gathers pace, we look at perspectives from police, youth offending teams and a school;
Ellie Acton, Integrated offender management strategic manager, Cheshire Police Constabulary Headquarters;
Graham Doubleday, team leader, Restorative Solutions, Early Intervention and Prevention Wigan;
Dorian Coxon, Deputy Head Teacher, Orchard School, Bristol.

Seminar 4: Current Court Issues
Responding to serious offences and the complex needs of young people entering the youth court and how this impacts on multi-borough court practices;
John Bache JP, Chair, Youth Courts Committee, Magistrates’ Association;
Emma Crawford, Shared Services Manager, Youth Offending Services, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and City of Westminster;
Phil Golding, HMCTS Crime Directorate (Magistrates’ Courts).

Seminar 5: An enhanced needs unit in the secure estate
Ambitious plans for the secure estate will be discussed including meeting the most complex needs of children and young people, a Psychologically Informed Environment and working effectively with health commissioners;
Paul Mitchell, Clinical Lead for Mental Health (Greater Manchester West NHS Trust), Hindley YOI;
Dr Andrew Rogers, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Professional Lead for Psychological Therapies, Adult & Youth Specialist Services Directorate, Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.

Interview with Emma Poyser and Brian Downey of Careworks
Policy and Practice Forum A: Changing funding and accountability landscape
Devolution of remand and custody budgets; Paul OHara, families first manager, Department of Services to Children and Young People – Aiming High for Children. Remands to youth detention accommodation; Kate Morris, Deputy Chief Executive, Youth Justice Board for England and Wales Payment by results; Richard Barnes, Assistant Chief Executive, Greater Manchester Probation Trust .

Policy and Practice Forum C: Serious youth violence and gangs
DCS John Carnochan, co-director, Violence Reduction Unit, Glasgow.

Policy and Practice Forum D: End to end service in the youth justice system
Specialist units and health in custody;
Peter Minchin Kate Davies OBE, Executive Lead for Prison, Detainee & Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCS) and Equalities, NHS Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County Looking after children in custody Paul Cook, Managing Director of Children's Services, G4S Children's Services Kris Cook, Head of Safe Decent and Secure, Young People's Group Directorate of Public Sector Prisons, National Offender Management Service Alison Wallis, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Swanwick Lodge Secure Children's Home

Policy and Practice Forum C: Serious youth violence and gangs
Ending gang and youth violence strategy;
Charlie Spencer, Divisional Manager, Targeted Youth Support, Sandwell Borough Council

Policy and Practice Forum C: Serious youth violence and gangs
Children’s commissioner enquiry into the sexual exploitation of children through groups and gangs;
Carlene Firmin MBE, principal policy adviser (child sexual exploitation, victimisation and abuse), Office of the Children’s Commissioner.

Policy and Practice Forum C: Questions and Discussion: Serious youth violence and gangs
John Carnochan, Carlene Firmin and Charlie Spencer.

John Drew, Chief Executive, Youth Justice Board for England and Wales
Chief Executive's address

Panel discussion: Troubled families and prevention
Introduction and facilitation: Mark Easton, Home Editor, BBC News;
Charlie Spencer, Divisional Manager, Targeted Youth Support, Sandwell Borough Council;
Lorna Simpson, Charity Founder and Prevention Campaigner, Derbyshire;
Chris Wright, Chief Executive, Catch 22.

End of broadcast

Day 2 - 23 Nov 2012

Policy Practice Forum H: Effective Practice
Effective practice;
Funding models - resourcing of evidence based approaches for YOTS;
Michael Little, co-director, Social Research Unit, Dartington.

Policy and Practice Forum J: End to End Service in The Youth Justice System
Evaluating the resettlement consortia Professor Neal Hazel, Director, Centre for Social Research, University of Salford

Policy and Practice Forum L: Innovative practice and effective solutions
Through the Gate Project;
Michael Donald, Reducing Reoffending Officer:
Lisa Primmer, Restorative Justice and Reparation Officer;
Gary Wright, Head of Reducing Reoffending, HMP Kingston. Behaviour change; Michelle McGlynn, programmes manager, Derbyshire Youth Offending Service. Swansea Youth Bureau;
Eddie Isles, Manager, Swansea YOT .

Policy and Practice Forum J: End to End Service in The Youth Justice System
Consortia Working Michael Woodbine, Head of Integrated Children's Services, HMYOI Cookham Wood

Policy and Practice Forum J: End to End Service in The Youth Justice System
Bridging the gap in resettlement Sally Benton, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Nacro

Policy and Practice Forum J: End to End Service in The Youth Justice System
Law enforcement: education and resettlement Laura Janes, Consultant Solicitor, Howard League for Penal Reform

Policy and Practice Forum J: Questions and Discussion:
End to End Service in The Youth Justice System

Bob Reitemeier, Board Member, YJB; Chief Executive, Essex Community Foundation
Introduction and welcome from conference chair

The Rt Hon Sadiq Khan MP, Shadow Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice

Panel discussion: Innovation in the secure estate
Emily Thomas, governor, Cookham Wood Youth Offending Institute;
Dave Ballard Mark Livingston, head of admissions and safety, Hindley YOI

Seminar S8: Out of Court Disposals
A chance to discuss the opportunities and implications of the LASPO Act changes to the out of court landscape with a variety of guests from organisations affected by the changes Ben Byrne, Head of Youth Support Service, Surrey County Council.

Seminar S11: Restorative justice training – the upgrade of panel matters
Training is an important part of the process to widen the use of restorative justice. The YJB restorative justice grant and upgrade of Panel Matters are key pieces of work that will contribute to this. We hear about the upgraded training and are advised by Restorative Justice Council on maintaining standards of practice following the training as well as opportunities for further development;
Chair: Charles Clark OBE,QPM, Board Member, Youth Justice board for England and Wales Lizzie Nelson, Director, Restorative Justice Council:
Tina Mallard, County Co-ordinator, Kent Youth Offending Service;
Pete Wallis, Senior Practitioner, Restorative Justice, Oxfordshire Youth Offending Service;

What's on now:
Seminar S8: Out of Court Disposals
A chance to discuss the opportunities and implications of the LASPO Act changes to the out of court landscape with a variety of guests from organisations affected by the changes John Bache JP, Chairman, Youth Courts Committee, Magistrates' Association

Seminar S8: Out of Court Disposals
A chance to discuss the opportunities and implications of the LASPO Act changes to the out of court landscape with a variety of guests from organisations affected by the changes Kevin Wilkins, Norfolk Constabulary and ACPO Youth Justice Lead

Seminar S9: Prevent and Radicalisation
A dedicated session looking at the 2011 Prevent Strategy and its impact on youth justice. How can we identify and intervene effectively with young people at risk of supporting terrorism or committing a terrorist act? Chair: Graham Robb, Recently Retired Board Member, Youth Justice Board for England and Wales Paul McCann, Local Authority Channel Coordinator, ACPO Thariq Khaliq, Prevention of Extremism Coordinator, Birmingham Youth Offending Service

Session 8: Sally Benton on behalf of Frances Lawrence Founder, The Philip Lawrence Awards
Youth custody: reaching out

Session 8: Eliza Rebeiro Founder of Lives Not Knives
Youth custody: reaching out

Session 8: Youth Justice Innovation Awards and art competition winners announced
Session 8: Summary address Frances Done CBE, Chair, Youth Justice Board for England and Wales
Session 8: Keynote Address Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Speaker's Chaplain
Turning young lives around

End of broadcast
Policy Review TV

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