This policy briefing contains presentations from experts who explain their experiences of shared services.
For institutions faced with funding cuts this briefing outlines how effiency savings can create major opportunities for new business development.
The pack, which highlights the opportunities and pitfalls of using shared services, includes feasibility studies and real life case studies, and is the ideal training tool for institutions who have administrative services in-house, from finance to IT, human resources and legal services.
Learning outcomes
This briefing explores the opportunities for the strategic development and capitilsation of new provision models for greater integration and streamlining of administrative and support services. Users will:
This policy briefing pack is an ideal briefing and training tool for senior mangers covering the key areas of policy development, case studies and best practice. The service enable users to access the material at a time and place convenient to them.
The policy briefing costs £195.00 + VAT.
Click here to purchase this briefing