Dr David Chilvers
David obtained his Ph.D. in Clinical Biochemistry from the University of Leeds carrying out research in the department of Medical Physics and the MRC Mineral Metabolism Unit at Leeds General Infirmary. He initially worked as a scientific advisor to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) before moving into marketing with Hewlett-Packard in Germany. Subsequently he has worked internationally in a variety of senior and Board level marketing, business development and general management positions in multinational and start-up companies in the biotechnology, medtech and IT industries including Quadrant Healthcare, LION Bioscience and Iomega.
In 2003, David returned to the UK and has worked in private and public sector change management and organizational development, including the formation of Skills for Justice for the UK’s Government’s Home Office.
David founded NHS Innovations London in 2005 and subsequently founded ATcare Ltd. the UK’s first Assistive Technology Design & Development Centre and Xpedite Ventures Ltd. a fund management company authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. He also established the novel concepts for the Xpedite Innovations Management process and the Xcelerate Health Outcomes Unit at NHSIL. David is a member of the UK Government’s EPSRC Digital Economy Advisory Board and is an advisor to many governments and companies worldwide on innovations management in healthcare.