Richard Parry
Head of Education and Skills Sector Team, UK Trade and Industry (UKTI).
Richard has been involved in export development for most of his career. After spending some years working with the rail industry in various overseas markets, including a posting to Hong Kong, he headed UKTI's team responsible for developing trade with the Arabian Gulf. Since then, he has worked in sector development, ranging from theme parks to education ("not hugely different"). He is currently the head of UKTI's education and skills team, which covers the whole spectrum of exportable educational goods and services, and feels the UK has a great deal to offer. "I am so impressed by what we can do in this country. From HE and FE through corporate training, teaching and learning resources, ELT, SEN and work in sustainability, we really are the best there is. The global market for education is growing, and it is UKTI's job to help you access those opportunities",