Linden Rowley
Linden Rowley, Associate, Local Government Improvement and Development
Linden’s professional career has focussed on communities, equalities and delivering and improving public services.
She has held chief officer positions in the voluntary sector at local and national level and in local government in Leicester, Lambeth and Sandwell, focusing on regeneration, neighbourhoods, cultural services, community safety, engagement and cohesion.
She is now an experienced consultant providing research, writing, training and professional support to a wide range of public bodies. She is an Associate of Local Government Improvement and Development and over the last two years has specialised in the commissioning public services and the implications for the culture and sport sector. This has included research with commissioners of services for children and young people as well as adults and health commissioners. She is author of ‘Understanding Commissioning: A practical guide for the culture and sport sector’.
She is a Principal Associate of the Institute of Community Cohesion.